Boost Your Productivity With The Pomodoro Technique

Productivity is a measure of an individual’s efficiency in completing tasks. We often assume that productivity is about getting more done daily; however, this is – incorrect! Productivity means doing things that matter consistently. No matter what you’re working on, a few things matter and productivity is an essential part of maintaining a consistent workflow.

The Pomodoro technique is a time allocation tool that helps us with our workflow to increase productivity.

In this comprehensive article, we will discuss the Pomodoro Technique in detail so that you can put this fabulous technique to use for improved efficiency and a high level of productivity.

Before diving deep into the subject, let us briefly discuss the inception of the Pomodoro Technique –

Pomodoro Technique History and Origin

Pomodoro means ‘tomato’ in Italian, and the Pomodoro technique originated in Italy.

Francesco Cirillo, developer, and entrepreneur, was still a student in the late 1980s when he invented the Pomodoro technique.

Initially, he tried various work intervals ranging from 2 minutes to 1 hour. He soon realized that focusing on one task for too long resulted in spending too much time on one single activity.
After experimenting with different work timelines involving 25-minute pomodoros, Cirillo settled on this duration as being the most effective for him.

6 Steps of The Pomodoro Technique

Identity/ Select a Task.

The first step of the Pomodoro technique is to single out a task to be performed. It should be a short task that can be completed within the time span of the Pomodoro method. If the task is long, it must be broken down into small chunks.

Set the Timer to beep After 25 Minutes.

The second step of the Pomodoro method is to set the timer for 25 minutes. And it needs to be an actual timer, not an imaginary one. You can use an app on your phone/computer or an alarm clock to ring or beep after 25 minutes.

Work on the Task for 25 Minutes.

Thirdly, concentrate on the task and keep working on it for 25 minutes without any breaks or distractions. This will ensure you have 25 whole minutes of uninterrupted productivity.

Stop Working after 25 Minutes.

If the timer rings after 25 minutes, stop working on the task. You can take some time to reflect on what you have done and contemplate the quality of your work or make some adjustments.

Take a 5-minute Break.

After you are satisfied with completing your short task or a small chunk of a bigger task, reward yourself with a 5-minute break. Keep in mind that the break should not last longer than 5 minutes.

Repeat this process three to four times.

After 4 Pomodoros, Take a Longer Break

Once you have successfully completed four consecutive Pomodoros, you can take a longer break of around 30 minutes. If your entire task is complete, move on to the next task or continue the same task from step two.

Suitable for People with ADHD

People diagnosed with ADHD may focus more and more as they progress. If you have trouble concentrating or are having a difficult day, you can reduce your Pomodoro interval. For example, you can set your Pomodoro break for ten minutes instead of five minutes.

The Pomodoro Method is a great way to get almost anything done in less than 20 minutes. Most of the time, we feel overwhelmed by big tasks and vast chunks of time. The Pomodoro Method can help you get rid of this fear. Manage your time and productivity in small steps, so you don’t feel trapped and can enjoy your work without feeling overwhelmed.

Suitable for Modifying your Interval Time

If you mix the Pomodoro technique with other production techniques, you can adjust or modify the time intervals according to your comfort level. But make sure you are not tempted to take too many or longer breaks while tweaking the Pomodoro method.

Pomodoro Alternatives

The Pomodoro Technique for productivity has several alternatives like Pareto Analysis, Eisenhower Matrix, Parkinson’s Law, Pickle Jar Theory, Rapid Planning Method, and others.
Flowtime is also a good alternative to Pomodoro.

While using Flowtime, you can take a break if you get tired, if you are at your work desk for too long, or if you have finished a task that has taken longer than usual due to various complexities – under these circumstances, you can take a longer break for refreshing and clearing the clutter of your mind.

Does Pomodoro have scientific proof?

Since the Pomodoro approach is based on the allocation of work, rest blocks, and tight control over time and distraction, its utility is exceptional when you have to stay focused for long periods of time.

So, it is scientifically grounded as well as highly evolved to help you stay productive in your everyday life.

In the past, it was believed that attention was a limited resource that would eventually run out. However, in 2011, a brand-new article on the topic appeared in the prestigious journal Cognition.

According to this study, our attention reservoir is not getting depleted but failing miserably because we are getting highly distracted and continuously juggling one task with another.

There are many studies that show taking brief breaks from a task can make it easier to focus on it for longer periods of time. Therefore, the allotment of frequent breaks in the Pomodoro Technique will definitely boost your attention span.

What if it does not work for you?

All methods are not for everyone. If Pomodoro works for others, it need not necessarily work for you.

Take longer or shorter breaks at your own convenience and see what suits you best. If doing the whole chunk of work is more convenient for you, then do it all at once.

It is advised not to use the Pomodoro method if you are doing profoundly creative work where you would not prefer such time intervals. Some people feel that such frequent intervals break their workflow.

So, the best approach is to imbibe a productive technique that complements your working style.

What to do if you finish Pomodoro early?

Task processing should be marked with an ‘X’ after completion. However, Pomodoro should be finished at some point so that you can review and improve what you have done. If you are working on a task that’s considered completed and the 25-minute timer for your current work session is yet to run out, you can cancel the Pomodoro.

The Primary Benefits of the Pomodoro Technique are as follows:

  • More focus and less stress
  • Better management of interruptions.
  • Keeps your motivation high
  • Increase your determination to achieve something
  • You will be better aware of the time it takes to get things done
  • Taking frequent breaks keeps your mind fresh and focused

The Pomodoro Technique also promotes a healthier relationship with time and increases job satisfaction. No wonder there are millions of people around the world who use this specific technique to help them stay focused and reach their potential.

Final Thoughts…

The Pomodoro Technique is one of the best methods available to you for increased productivity and optimum time management. The bottom line is that if you want to achieve your true potential, you need to be productive, and this should be your topmost priority.

Time management is the need of the hour in today’s busy life. To manage your time effectively, increase your productivity, and keep your business/agency organised, you need to find the right work-life balance. If you or your organisation is currently clocking in a lot of unproductive hours, you need to streamline your business operations immediately.

To help you with this problem, you can contact Use Per Wish for 24/7 virtual assistance. For further information on how you can be more productive with business processes, simply drop an email at or call us at +1 631 869 4935.

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