How to Run Google Ads: A Guide for Beginners

Google Ads is the best ad campaign to boost a business and that’s why more and more people want to know how to run google ads.

Google is used 3.5 billion times daily for searches. Therefore, you have options to promote your business to more consumers with each search.

This entails boosting conversions, sales, and leads.

Google Ads are advantageous for all such requirements.

Google Ads gives you the opportunity to promote and advertise your goods and services when you search for relevant terms. It has the ability to accelerate sales and leads when done correctly.

Let’s go through this Google Ads Guide to boost your online business right away.

Make a User Account

As a first step, you must create a Google AdWords account. To begin, go to and click “Start today.” You will be directed to a screen where you must either create a new Google Account or sign in with your existing one.

Once you have done logging in, a pop-up asking for your primary advertising target will appear. This is the initial attempt by Google to control your account. Instead of using Google, follow our advice to proceed from here.

There is a (very, very small) link labelled “Switch to Expert Mode” at the bottom of the screen you are now viewing. The setup of your first campaign will only begin when you click on that link.

Choose a Campaign Type

Now that you’re in Expert Mode, you’ll find that there are a number of goal-based choices you may use to start building up your campaign. So, the next answer to “how to run google ads” is choosing a specific campaign style.

Sales, leads, brand awareness, reach, product and brand consideration, website traffic, and app promotion are your possibilities. Alternatively, you can select to establish a campaign without specifying a target.

Although your objectives are probably in line with one of the aforementioned possibilities, we advise you against using goal direction when developing and designing your campaign. Remember, the goal is to stay in charge of your campaign and not let Google decide what to do on your behalf.

What are the different campaign types in Google Ads?

  • Search
  • Performance Max
  • Video
  • Shopping
  • Display
  • App
  • Discovery
  • Local

When you build up your account over time, don’t limit yourself to one marketing strategy. Develop a range of campaigns that align with your (Pay-Per-Click) PPC goals. Similar to how a healthy kitchen employs various ingredients to prepare various cuisines, a healthy Google AdWords account includes a variety of advertising.


Targeting and Audiences, Ad Extensions, and Budget and Bidding are the next three categories on this Google Ads Step-by-Step Guide. We’ll go through each part in detail, point out your alternatives, and give you advice on what decisions to make.

Specifying Target Audiences
Now that we’ve honed down on your targeting options, we can make sure that the correct individuals see your advertising.

The first step is choosing the regions in which you want your advertisements to appear. You have the option of targeting a particular zip code or the entire planet. All nations and territories, the United States and Canada, the United States, are some of your default selections. Go to a different place. Choose “Insert another place” and then “Advanced Search” to narrow your search results to locations within a city, state, zip code, or radius. From there, you may select your precise target areas.

After selecting your destinations, there is one more crucial setting in this area that you must activate. When you click the Location choices link, you will get the following options:

  1. People in your targeted locations or someone who is showing interest in that location (recommended)
  2. People who are in or commonly in your targeted locations
  3. People who are searching for your targeted locations

Option #2, “People in or frequently in your targeted places,” is highly recommended. It is frequently the best option for 99% of all campaigns, despite the fact that it is not Google’s default selection. By choosing this option, you can be certain that your advertisements will only be seen by those who are truly in the target locations.

The other two options will result in your advertisements appearing globally if the searcher has expressed interest in the locations you have targeted. If you are a local company targeting the State of California, for instance, and you have selected options 1 or 3, your ad may show up to a person who is checking the flights to California for a tour or a business tour. You obviously don’t want this unless you work in the tourism or travel sector.

You can choose “People in your excluded locations” under the Exclude section.

The next step in our Google Ads Guide is choosing your target audience. Either at the level of observation or targeting, audiences might be added. Especially if you are building up your very first Search campaign, this is a complex feature that you do not need to investigate just now. Thus, we’ll skip over that area for now and continue.

Budget and Bidding

It’s very simple to adjust the Budget option. You may choose here the amount your campaign will choose each day. Establishing your monthly campaign budget is an excellent place to start when fixing your daily spending limit.

After that, divide that sum by the number of days per month that your adverts will be displayed. Divide by 30 if you want your adverts to run every day. Divide by 20 if your only advertising is Monday through Friday.

You set your campaign’s bidding strategy in this section. Google will inquire about the type of outcome you want to focus on in an effort to help you in choosing a bidding strategy. Clicks, Conversions, Impression Share, and Conversion value are the options that are, by default, advised by Google.

Maybe you’re thinking… “Of course, I want to focus on conversions!” And that should be your primary concern. So if you select any of these default options, you will get an automatic bid strategy from Google. While automatic methods are one of the best practices for Google ads, on some occasions for a specific type of marketers, these might not be the best choice.

To kickstart the bidding process, click on the “select a bid strategy directly” option button to complete it.

A menu with a lengthy number of bidding tactics will now appear for your selection. Google’s several automatic bid tactics, which include the following, are displayed at the top of the list:

  • Target CPA (Cost-Per-Acquisition)
  • Target ROAS (Return-On-Ad-Spend)
  • Maximize Conversion Value
  • Maximize Conversions
  • Maximize Clicks
  • Target Impression Share

Manual (Cost-Per-Click) or CPC is located at the very end of the list, behind all the other choices. As it allows you complete control over how much you pay per click for any term in your campaign, this is the option you want to use.

A warning for you is that upon selecting the Manual CPC approach, your performance, as displayed by Google, will not show you much light at the end of the tunnel. This is simply because Google itself does not like this approach.

But trust the experts that you have made the right decision, so don’t worry.

Once you’ve decided on your bid strategy, click the link that says “Show additional settings” under the bid section. This will show you a few additional parameters that you need to adjust before continuing.

Conversions may be disregarded by many marketers, but you should set them up before starting your campaigns.

Ad Schedule
The days and hours you want your adverts to be eligible to appear are specified in your ad schedule. Depending on the budget, goods, and services supplied, and hours of operation, this might differ for each company. When you’ve chosen your ad schedule, you can continue to the following stage by leaving ad rotation at its default configuration (for the initial phase).

Ad Extensions
Ad Extensions are the last on the campaign settings screen. All three of the major extension types listed below should be installed.

Sitelink Extensions – Using Sitelinks, you may display up to 4 more links alongside your advertisements. Customers may be directed to various web pages on your website using these links, which may be useful in teaching them about your company and its products.

Callout Extension – Employ callout extensions to draw attention to items like competitive advantages, special offers, and promotions.

Call Extensions – Call Extensions are crucial if your company uses the phone to generate leads or close deals. As a result, your phone number may be shown with your adverts and mobile visitors can call you straight from the ad without visiting your website.

Organize Your Ad Groups and Keywords

Groupings of similar keywords that share one or more advertisements are known as ad groups. One of the best Google ads tips is to start with your primary products or services when deciding what keywords to utilize. Here, we recommend making only one ad group and constructing the remainder of your campaign using Google’s Keyword Planner tool.

You can study your keywords and group them into ad groups much more quickly and easily with the help of the Keyword Planner.

Create Your Advertisement

No matter how great the deal is, no one will click on boring or basic advertising.

Google Ads Tips

  • Please follow the accepted procedures for responsive search advertisements. You must ensure that every word or image has an effect because the presentation of these advertisements to users is automatic.
  • Recall to include CTA. After all, the objective is to persuade your audience to act. Always be clear about what they want their click to do. Use verbs like “sign up today,” “call immediately,” and other phrases to help increase conversions.
  • Remain captivating. Get inspiration from our ad content samples and market with emotion to stand out on the SERP.
  • Don’t overdo it. Think of your adverts as your business’ “face.” Like a dish of presentation, you want them to convey your brand in a professional way. Instead of bombarding readers with strong CTAs, you shouldn’t overlook the aspect of your engaging copywriting.

Set Up The Billing

Entering your billing information completes the process of creating your new account and first campaign, as it’s the last but one of the most important Google ads tricks. This technique is really simple. You have the choice of funding your Google account using a bank account, a credit or debit card, or both.

You may also input your Google promotion code here if you have one.

Wrapping Up…

Creating Google Ad Campaign is a complex task and can demand a lot of your time if it’s your first time. That’s why it’s better to leave the job to the professionals, such as Use Per Wish to get a seamless ad campaign strategy that skyrockets your business success.

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