How to Lead Your Team from Anywhere: Virtual Manager

Remote working is a noteworthy trend around the globe in 2022. Several organizations have adapted to new means of working. Employees enjoy the freedom to work from anywhere around the world and become productive. Working remotely can broaden a company’s network by attracting team members from multiple locations. This flexible approach breaks the conventions of working from the office. It gives creative freedom to manage time better and enjoy work simultaneously. 

To lead a team virtually,  it is important to understand the aspects that come along with it. 

So, let us dive deeper into the topic to get insights into how to manage a team virtually. 

How To Manage Virtual Teams 

It is essential to master the skills needed to lead a team regardless of your location. Remote working significantly affects the pattern of workflow regularly. Similarly, the challenges are higher to manage teams virtually than in-person management. This requires proficient soft skills, patience, the willingness to adapt to situations, and a solution-driven approach.

Since a team that works remotely interacts less, it is vital to check the members do not feel isolated. Employ evergreen communication methods. It helps establish strong communication and ensures team members’ transparency. Here are some quick tips: 


Email is an effective way to maintain communication within the team. 


Set up a portal where you can have a real-time conversation with your teammates. If they face certain difficulties while working on a particular task, they can easily reach out and connect with you for clarification.

Video conferences

Set up video conferences once in a while. This helps your teammates become aware of presentation-related tasks or process management techniques. 

How To Manage & Influence Your Virtual Team

Rules & Regulations

As a virtual manager, it is critical to follow company protocols since you reflect your organization’s interests. If there is prescheduled policy to maintain work time set by your company, ensure to follow the same and avoid disruption in the workflow.

Proactive Steps 

Be active throughout the shift timing. Divide the shift time into segments allowing employees to take breaks between work. Set up a weekly roster to maintain transparency of workdays and days off for all team members. 

Complete Training

Provide additional training to below-average performers to improve their productivity. It also enables them to understand tasks better. Conduct virtual training sessions with test or trial tasks for them.  

Address Challenges 

A team that works remotely can face a certain number of challenges as they work independently. It is primitive for you to clear out the expectations from your team and check if they can deliver the same well within shift timings. Appreciate the top performers but pay equal attention to your average performers. Push them to move forward and ignite them with confidence. All admire a good leader who treats a team as a whole.

Managing Virtual Teams

Remind your teammates regarding regular objectives. This helps them to focus better on assignments. Additionally, ensure the objectives are in alignment with the company’s goals. There are pros and cons to remote working and working from the office. 

Schedule Weekly Meetings

Set up a team meeting at the end of each week to address certain changes(if any). This could be an ongoing project that helps everyone to stay on the same page. On the other hand, you can also set up a one-on-one meeting in case of discrepancies. In doing so, you can save time, address grievances and ensure a proper understanding of the work expectations. 

Overlapping Work Hours

Since remote work gives you the freedom to work as per your will, setting boundaries is of utmost importance. They may have to work for clients from different time zones worldwide. It is vital to ensure that the team is communicating with clients and are available during their working hours. 

Virtual Team Management

Technological advancement has enabled us to be equipped with modern working methods. Applying these technologies to connect with the team can help them become adept at different tasks. It also allows them to take charge and explore new processes and prospects. It gives to the liberty to manage your team remotely from anywhere. 

To fix certain issues, real-time help may be necessary to reinstate the workflow. This could be software or an operating system. These tools also give you the power to conduct more work within a specific network by remote access. The virtual managers help to bridge the gap during a certain malfunction of the cloud system and the related hardware.

Virtual teamwork requires human engagement. Apart from new technology and skills, it is essential to have a team on the same page to enjoy remote work and gather experience. 

It is crucial to understand that every individual is unique in their way. Setting unrealistic expectations from them can cause a lot of complications. Ensure you do not make your team members feel bloated. 

Communicate just as much as is needed and know when to draw lines. 


The pandemic is the top reason why the virtual work method was introduced. It has taught us to balance work and personal life. Nevertheless, the team needs to update and inform others regarding their availability and absence during workdays. 

Encourage and motivate the team members so that the overall spirit is high. Hardworking and sincere members make a good team. A good team provides quality output. It reflects through productivity. Teamwork makes a dream work! 

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