Virtual Administrative Assistants Services that You Can Outsource to Save Time and Money

Have you ever thought of getting rid of mundane tasks like making phone calls and sending emails and focusing more on your core interests? Well! There is one thing that you can do. You can outsource these tasks to administrative virtual assistants.

administrative virtual assistant

Virtual Administrative Assistants are in high demand these days. Although they were always in demand, there has been a sudden rise in their demand since the pandemic hit the world.

In fact, says that the Virtual Assistant sector is estimated to grow by 4.5% by 2025.

This is because companies are now realizing the benefits of remote working. Before the pandemic, how many of you thought that working 100% remotely is possible? Well! Now we know not only is it possible but it is actually more beneficial for both businesses and certain professionals.

Companies have realized that virtual assistants can save up to 78% of operating costs of a company and that too while being 13% more productive, says

And when it comes to virtual assistants, administrative virtual assistants are what many companies are looking for. Small start-ups, big companies, solopreneurs, everybody wants them. And firms like Use Per Wish are at the forefront of providing such services to them.

So, keep reading as in this blog you will learn about some of the common tasks that you can outsource to virtual administrative assistants, their benefits, and some of the key points you need to keep in mind while outsourcing to the administrative virtual assistants.

But first of all, let us understand who are administrative virtual assistants?

Who Are Administrative Virtual Assistants?

In easy words, an administrative virtual assistant is basically your secretary you don’t get to see in the office but that person gets the work done. These are well-trained and independent professionals who work remotely. 

They perform a number of tasks like calling up people, sending emails, setting up appointments and data entry. Basically, all the administrative work but from home obviously. And you can’t call them your employees.

Now, as said above, there are a number of tasks that can be outsourced from these virtual administrative assistants. Let’s see what these tasks are.

Tasks You Can Outsource to Administrative Virtual Assistants

If you have a long to-do list for the day that includes tasks that are extremely important for our business though they are holding you back from focusing on your core interests, you can hire virtual assistants to take care of these tasks.

If you are busy carrying out these tasks and are unable to focus on the growth of your business, it’s time you consider outsourcing.

Yeah! Let your administrative virtual assistants run some errands for you. 

You can ask them to:

Manage Your Calendar

Calendar management is basically a systematic way to organize all your meetings, appointments, calls and so on. In other words, it is creating your day plan.

virtual calendar management assistant

When you hire an administrative virtual assistant, you can ask them to create the entire day-to-day itinerary and plan for you. Now, this plan may be personal or professional, or both.

You can ask your virtual assistant to schedule appointments for you. In case You are busy and you cannot remember all those you are supposed to meet, these virtual administrative assistants can help keep you on track. There, the role of these virtual assistants becomes important.

They can schedule appointments, get in touch with your clients, partners, or stakeholders to confirm the appointments, cancel the appointments, and postpone or prepone the appointments while keeping you notified.

Not just that, your administrative virtual assistants will also keep you updated on where you have to be and what places you need to visit in a day. It takes us to our next point which is.

Preparing & Maintaining Travel Itineraries

As a professional or businessperson, you will need to visit a lot of places within the country and abroad. And let’s accept it, planning trips can be really tedious.

Your core focus is to go on the trip, meet different clients and crack deals for your business. You should not care about where to stay, which flight to take and how to commute. Leave all such worries to your administrative virtual assistant.

Your virtual assistant can book flights, hotels and cabs for your tour. Not just that, you can also ask your assistant to make restaurant reservations and buy tickets to special events and so on.

Outreach: Emails & Phone Calls

Outreach is an important business function. No businessperson can deny that. It includes meeting with different people, potential clients and customers, talking to them on phone and sending out emails.

Your virtual administrative assistants will make these phone calls on your behalf and will also receive calls on your behalf just like a secretary. They will take messages for you and send out messages to the stakeholders on your behalf.

email management assistant

When you hire them, they will also send out emails to your clients, partners and stakeholders. Apart from that, maintaining and updating the list of your contacts is also something your virtual administrative assistants can do with ease.

Sometimes, they can also go out and meet your clients on your behalf.

Data Entry & Management

Any profession or business can thrive if the people working there can use the data properly. It is sometimes difficult to make sense of all the data available to you.

Moreover, you don’t want to misplace or lose important data of your clients, customers or even your rivals. So, what will you do? Will you start transferring all the data from files to your company’s software yourself?

You can’t do that. Instead, you can ask your virtual administrative assistant to do that for you. They can keep a track of all the data essential for your business.

Apart from that, they can also do bookkeeping for you. You can ask them to keep a record of your expenses and manage company accounts for you.

Personal Chores

Well! These are basically tasks that do not affect your business but you. Let’s assume you are planning a vacation trip with your family. Again, there will be hotel bookings, flight bookings and whatnot. So, your virtual assistant can very well take care of such chores.

Your virtual administrative assistant can maintain your personal calendar, plan personal travel with family and can even shop for you. Did you know you can ask your VA to go shopping for you?

They can help you buy stuff for your home and office and can very well pay your electricity, phone and internet bills on your behalf.

Your virtual administrative assistants can do all these tasks while offering a number of benefits.

Benefits of Administrative Virtual Assistants

Well! Your administrative virtual assistants come with a lot of benefits but these three benefits are the most common ones.

Save Time & Money

Your virtual administrative assistants are experienced in working in fast-paced environments. They work in a time-bound manner and generally deliver results on time. And they are already trained, so it saves training time as well.

virtual administrative assistants saves time and money

Not just that, your administrative virtual assistants can save you a lot of bucks. When you hire them, they do not require office space or internet connectivity from you. They are not employees so you don’t have to give any employee benefits.

Moreover, you can hire them on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. So, there is no long-term commitment from your side.


Virtual Administrative Assistants are more productive than full-time employees. They have many clients and they don’t want to leave anyone hanging.

They charge for the amount of work they do and like to finish their work in stipulated time.

Also, they are very experienced. They are updated with the latest market trends and can bring experience to the organization.

Share The Load

When you are too busy, it’s good to have a helping hand, isn’t it? This is what virtual administrative assistants do.

They share the load so that you can save time and energy. They leave you with enough time and energy to focus on your core business areas.

However, it is up to you to use them wisely. So, there are some points that you need to keep in mind.

Points to Remember

You need to build a cordial relationship with your administrative virtual assistants. It will reflect on the work. So, you need to

–        Talk daily: Yes! If you want to streamline the work, you should talk to them daily at least once. You can connect with them every morning and assign them tasks for the day. Also, you can ask about the progress made on given tasks in a meeting by the end of the day.

–        Talk clearly: Now, clearly here means if you have a doubt, cut it out. You should clarify all the doubts that you have before it leads to any untoward situation.

–        Talk politely: They are professionals and they know their work. You have to treat them like professionals if you do not want to lose good talent.


If you are looking for someone to take care of tasks like making phone calls, sending out emails and entering data, you should consider outsourcing to administrative virtual assistants who can help you save time and money and increase productivity.

Want to know how? Visit Use Per Wish for more details.

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